The Word Jester

The Word Jester

Freelance Author
Freelance Writer

U.S. Politics • American History • Sports • Recovery

Who is the Word Jester?

Who is the Word Jester?

  • My name is C. Jay and I am The Word Jester.
  • As a professional freelance author, I have over 2,000,000 words of experience.
  • U.S. Politics is an area in which I have extensive knowledge and experience.
  • Well-researched and credible facts, written with an entertaining style, engages readers and embraces their attention.
  • My name is C. Jay and I am The Word Jester.
  • As a  professional freelance author, I have over 2,000,000 words of experience.
  • U.S. Politics is an area in which I have extensive knowledge and experience.
  • Sports is another topic I enjoy.
  • I am proficient with issues concerning addiction and recovery as well.
  • Beyond sports, politics, and recovery, I have the skills to write entertaining and convincing articles about a variety of subjects.
  • Well-researched and credible facts, masterfully crafted using an entertaining style, engages readers and embraces their attention.
  • During my six-years as a professional freelance writer, I’ve successfully tackled articles covering everything from an “Atlanta Falcons Fantasy Forecast to Zero Gravity Chairs”.

Exciting Stories Attract Readers!

Quality writing will improve your website.

Grab your reader’s attention with inspiring, thought-provoking and compelling personalized articles.

Send me a message to discuss the opportunity.


Grab your reader’s attention with inspiring, thought-provoking and compelling stories.

Send me a message to discuss the opportunity.


Words – Imaginatively Illuminating